Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

NCN Route 1 Ravelston Edinburgh

Not much time to blip today. I have to leave work earlier than usual to ensure twin 2 gets to footbal training. So I head out to the Roseburn path, part of the National Cycle Network Route 1. What a difference a week makes, the trees are really starting to show their summer clothes.

If you fork right at this point, there is a devil of a climb up to Ravelston Dykes. At least if you were heading south you can at least get a head of steam up to enable you to get to the top. If you were heading north, you have to do a left 180 degree turn, and a limited amount of time to get in to the right gear to enable you to climb.

Today I am walking and don't have to worry about it.

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