
So happy to have my little bug home after a week of him being at Grandma and Grandpa's while I recovered. Tonight, instead of me reading him a book before bed he requested we work on equations out of his new Transformer's Addition book. Here he is blowing the eraser dust away after writing one of his numbers backwards.

Not only have I missed my son, but I've also missed my blip friends as I've taken a week or so off during a rather rough recovery from my surgery last Monday. The past week was full of a few ups and too many downs. Today was my first really good day since the surgery with the removal of my second catheter and enough success to hopefully avoid another one in the future. Although I am not pain free, I am happily pain med free which was a hardest thing to overcome these past 4 days. I feel great. Two good doctors visits, a walk in the neighborhood, time in my yard and with my family and some visiting friends today put a huge smile on my face and the word "hope" back in my vocabulary. Good to be back, I've missed you all.

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