wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Yesterday from this morning...............

I fell asleep. When I woke up, I still had blip up. So this is what I was going to write;

I think this was about 7am. I hate to be like a one trick pony but........Some sunrises really start my day off well. I felt the need to share.
God knows this one tried. I took another blip at lunch of a wall made of stone and yet another of my music from tonight. This had color it won.

At chorus rehearsal tonight we talked about how we can make the music paint a picture. I preferred to think of it as a snapshot. I have always tried to sing a word the way it sounds. To sing the word soft or gentle the way it is. Water is a challenge however in the hands of a master composer you can close your eyes and hear the rippling of the water, the lapping of the waves in a lake or the huge crash of the waves on the rocks in the Atlantic Ocean.
In a song tonight we sang the word cold. It sounded cold. I want to say it was a minor chord but I am afraid my conductor is going to read this and say what it really is. In music terminology I think the term is wicked freakin' cool!

So I have 2 gigs this week and are really excited to sing with girls again.

I feel the need for sleep. I will catch up tomorrow!

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