wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Ok this time it was kinda my fault

When the sign at Evergreen cemetery says : closed at 630 they mean it and if you have the completely idiotic inkling sensation of oh come on what can they do?

The answer is..........lock you in.
What do you do?
Well, after you call 911,
they send a policeman to unlock the gate and give you a stern talking to! Preferably the youngest cop on the force. ( he was 12)
He asked if I read the sign. I said yes.
He said did you read it and did you not believe it?
I said I will now. And ok this was my favorite quote of the week...."You know they had to pull me off of the street to get you out of here?"
He said what were you doing in there? I told him I needed a blip for the day.
He couldn't finish his lecture . He started laughing.
Although, I think it's because of my sexy outfit.
My leggings,
and hoodie.
With Teva sandals.
Oh and I need a pedicure.
That last bit may have sent him over the edge.

I actually had to stop my husband from driving up on the sidewalk and through the stone gates.

I had to call my father. This was our conversation,

" um hi Dad. Yeah we may be a bit. We are looked in evergreen cemetery. "
"Locked in? "
"Ok see you when you get home"
The man is unflappable or just used to having me as a daughter.
( he actually thought I meant stuck and had to get someone to pull us out. I talk fast)
So I got home and and looked at my pics, they sucked. So I grabbed a hidden, last resort candy bar.
This was my last one.
I am going to have to behave.
Good luck with that.

Oh this is a Canada goose.... He's not going anywhere. He is locked in too.

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