
By kas18

More Tickets

Had more tickets delivered today...World Cup tickets. My son is off to Brazil in June for the World Cup. He has the Russia v Korea game to watch...that should be fun! I think they are hoping they might catch another game or two out there. But even if they don't, the atmosphere will be amazing just watching in the local bars etc.

I put his tickets with some others that have turned up recently. When I looked there is a very busy time coming up for various events.

I think every weekend we have something going on. From football matches to concerts, to running events, to family days, throw a few birthday invites in, a house warming and that's us busy until September.

I like being busy though. I don't know now how I had time for work on Saturdays.

Did yet another load of weeding today. Came in because of the rain. I'm starting to see a difference. If anyone knows how to get rid of brambles then please tell me, I'm scratched to pieces.

Zumba tonight. Not many more to go as our Zumba instructor is having a baby. I think she is only taking us up to the end of May....if we are lucky. I do love my Zumba.

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