High And Dry

I went to look at the lake today and it's really very nice. Much better than the lake I swim in on a Saturday morning. Very friendly people who made me feel very welcome. I wish I had taken my wetsuit with me as I could have gone in. I might go back for a bit of a swim tomorrow before I go to Zumba, I think I can fit it in.

I went to see a clairvoyant today. She was really very good. I'll book up to go back. She is so good that she is booked right up to December. I was very lucky and got a cancellation but still had to wait over a month for my appointment.

She confirmed things for me....in more ways than one!

Apart from that I've had a lazy day. Coffee with different sets of friends which was very nice...and I've just burnt my tea....she didn't tell me I'd be doing that tonight!

Think I need an early night. But with everything she said I think my brain will work overtime....or maybe the confirmation will give me peace at last.

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