Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Got your number...

… well my race number for the Edinburgh 10K at the end of the month. It came in the post while we were away at the weekend. Not long to go, only 3 weeks and still need to do lots more training.
Only managed to get one run in over the weekend, well it was a holiday.
Big thanks to Holiday Mum and Dad for a fantastic weekend. Nice and relaxing with plenty of Spaniel time. Hope J's knee gets better soon.
Was a shock to get back to work, nothing changes. Came home to start tidying the house and doing some of the ironing.
No gym today as we didn’t get back till late as a result of the delayed flight out of Manchester. Seems that they couldn't get power to the aircraft while on the ground to check things over. Still never mind.

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