Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Hot stuff

Gym this morning and upped the bike program to the next level and felt it.
Came home from work to get a few things sorted before going to the dive club for a swim. I was planning on going to the Tri club session but didn't have the energy.
While we were away this weekend we went to a chilli farm. One of the many things that were purchased was a chilli grinder. Looks a bit funny but works well. Not the best idea trying it out on a bowl of soup before going to do a swim session. Kept repeating all through the swim.
Also tried out my Tri suit in the pool. Hope the swim in Peebles is in a cold pool as I was hot by the end of 800m. Not so sure about jumping straight on a bike without a top on but we will have to see.

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