A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Not Too Cold for Us

I'm so proud of my wimpy self. I will not sugar-coat it, I hate the cold. But I live in Chicago near my children and grandchildren. I am where I want to be. So, bless his heart, my Taxman (aka, husband) REALLY wanted to get some cross-country skis and I sort of wanted them too. We had them about ten years ago when we lived in this area the first time (that first time when we brought our two adolescent age daughters - kicking and screaming - from southern California). Subsequently my Taxman and I left our girls here after about 9 years (they were all grown up, mind you, and by then they LOVED it here) while we made a five-year trip back where we came from...where girls can run around barefoot 365 days a year. Sigh. But three years ago, our first grandchild was born and it was clear to me that I would rather deal with the seasonal cold weather than miss out on being a hands-on Nana. So here we are.

...what was I saying? Oh yes, I'm a cold weather wimp. But I'm proud of myself because I have new snow skis and have used them two of the four days I've owned them. It's been really fun. I have the layering thing all worked out and even though my nose was as red as Rudolph's, I was comfy warm the entire time we were out on the trails today. I even braved the cold to take my gloves off and dig out my camera to capture some moments.

I got really scared a couple times (crossing some frozen water and a rather steep hill) but it all turned out well. I kept telling myself, "Your balance is perfect, you're doing a great job, look at you go, girl!" That's what I told myself right after I prayed that I wouldn't fall down.

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