
By ThereIsLove

Day 33: Proud of my Man

Today, was pretty long and busy. Stephen and I woke up at 5am to do yoga videos that I found on YouTube. It's a start, right? I'd like to make yoga a five to six times a week habit and it was a great way to start the day. I also made minestrone soup from scratch and some grain free granola. Omg SO good. Aside from that it was a pretty typical day. I took Preslee and Dallas to a new park. Big mistake bringing Dallas. We got swarmed by kids which is cool unless they are creating a barricade that's preventing you from keeping your child from deciding she wants to jump off the play scape that's 20 feet high and their parents are lost in conversation with other parent friends and don't realize I'm trapped during this Evil Knievel moment my daughter is having. I have two options..trample over some poor innocent children or watch my daughter fall and break a bone. We all survived and she didn't jump but that's about all the excitement we had for the day. On another note...I'm so thankful to have a husband who works hard so that I can stay home with our girl. Between the video business and HP he's a swamped man and I am so thankful for all his head work.

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