Top of The Lake

The Boss and Bossess watched this drama on TV and I think it had a dark side that while disturbing was gripping too. Also there was a heap of dogs in it that barked all the time. I particularly liked that bit. It was filmed over the hill on Lake Wakitipu and Queenstown.
Meanwhile in the real world The Boss and ME set out after breakfast (both of us) and at that stage there were no bets placed on what the sheep (wether) was thinking. Morning light can be dramatic and this morning was no exception with bits of it popping through clouds and The Boss was frankly a complete pain as he was playing with his camera every few minutes and my whingeing was getting no traction. It was overall a grrreat walk as the lakefront was deserted and a completely directionless Blatathon when on for some time during which The Boss spotted what was happening on the horizon…In the distance…By the mountains…. At the Top of The Lake.
Special Note…Happy ending.
Yes there was one….Not in the TV series but in the real world...The sun came out but that was after The Boss had stopped at Edgewater and got a ToGo Hot choc and a choc chip bikkie. The Choc came with a tiny bit of shortbread and that was lovely thank you Boss. Oh and while we were sitting on the seat admiring the view and grub a text from the Bossess arrived inviting us to morning tea at Edgewater. Good things take time The Boss said.

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