
Woke at 4.30am and couldn't get back to sleep. Not even Audrey's fault. Just loads on my mind. Work, Audrey, diary stuff. My brain would just not turn off.

Spent most of the day at Angus's work having a few meetings and making use of the wifi (and may have just had a delicious free lunch of buttermilk chicken and sweet potato fries).

Once I'd ticked most of my to-do list, I raced to get Audrey from nursery. Was a bit worried as her key worker is away so she is with a few strange nursery nurses. She knows the place and routines though and had been fine they said.

When she saw me, she came running and was so excited as she breathlessly told me what she'd been doing, "Mummy Audrey outside, slide and see-saw. And a ball!!!" I almost cried. It's her first long sentence. And the eager look on her face as she shared her day with me melted me! I was so proud!!

Went home and instead of doing chores like normal while she watched TV or followed me round, I just sat on the rug and played with her for a few hours. She couldn't believe her luck and gave me that many cuddles I lost count.

Caught this blip pic after her bath. So cute in my trainers!

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