Because this is who I am

By Brighde

I put myself first.

Its something that's taken me a while to achieve.

You would think being selfish is really self centred and horrible. It's not like I don't love people, or care, like family they come first too. But in life, you're on your own. Selfish people live longer.

I really put myself first today, I went out on my own to do all the things I love. I went to get some tea at 8 o'clock in the morning at Costa. Then, I toddled on over the cinema (yes, on my own) to see The Other Woman. Not only was I alone, I was alone in the entire screen. Yes, I had the entire cinema to myself. It was pretty cool, I could text, laugh really loud, be stretched out. I could sit in any seat I wanted too and no one could tell me otherwise. I felt famous.

After I strolled out, I took myself to lunch. Yes, I sit down meal, on my own. 'but brighde didn't people look at you and think you were weird?' Do you really think I actually care about what anyone else thinks? Girl, If I want to have a day out on my own then I will. I will take pride in my own company. And if that makes me weird then so be it.

Being alone is something I couldn't always do, not with past relationships. I came dependent on their sanity, and their constant company. But having been single for a while afterwards, you start to love yourself a little bit more. You're the one who has managed to piece their life back together, and not crumble. So why not take the only person who will always be there for you out?

Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't be independent.


Happy Blipping.

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