Paddington at tennis

I'm on tennis duty this morning, complete with Paddington. Kerr has been complaining of a sore leg, but there is nothing to see on his leg. Very odd.

Next stop today is probably Ikea for new toddler playmats, Dobbies for some heathers for back rockery and then home to chill.

Night out tonight for me at book group. The book we read was The Never List by Koethi Zan. It was really good, could hardly put it down.
Looking forward to a good girlie catch up.

Edit: we went to a couple of garden centres in the afternoon and it became obvious that Kerr has chickenpox. Spots were appearing all the time. We've kind of been expecting it as his friend H got it 2 weeks ago, and Kerr saw her on the day her spots first appeared. I think his leg pain at tennis this morning must have been muscle pain, which is listed as a symptom of chicken pox.

Best to get it out of the way before school I suppose.

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