Star of the Week

Toddlers with Mack this morning. He did his usual, trying to pinch toast and other snacks from his friends. Anyone would think I didn't feed him at home.

Proud mummy moment today when Kerr came out of nursery with the Star of the Week award. He last had it in October I think. He said Mrs Tierney gave it to him for helping the teachers to tidy up, asking for jobs to do and always playing nicely with his friends.

The prize is to have Paddington bear (dog) home for the weekend and to entertain him.

Kerr's friend H came to play with him this afternoon. She has just recovered from chicken pox and her wee brother now has it too so her mummy and him didn't come in, they just dropped H off at the door. They both played well all afternoon and even stopped to get a quick snap with Paddington for the nursery jotter we've to fill in.

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