Random musings.

By rannochgirl

On the way home

On the road once more! We left Blantyre this morning and headed for Chileka airport. I had been out early to get my blip for the day. However, on our drive to the airport I spotted this guy pushing a very heavily laden bicycle. How much can you carry on a bike? It looks like he has all his possessions on there!
This is my last ' blip from the back seat of a taxi''. I hope you've enjoyed the little slices of life I managed to capture.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and view my Malawian series- especially as I was not always able to reply or to view other journals due to poor internet connections. Your comments on my pictures made me feel a little closer to home and I really appreciated them.
Hopefully I'll be back again in Sept. if the charity has enough money to send us.

Now for the long overnight flight to Amsterdam! :-).

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