CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Product of the Macro Course

Ok, ok - it is another macro shot of a flower - but this is what I was learning about on the Course, which was my lovely gift from my daughter and her family for my 70th Birthday.

It was an excellent day - and the rain stayed away despite the forecast. The course was run by Going Digital and was both classroom teaching and hands on practice.

It was mainly about moving off the Auto setting and trying every setting of Aperture, shutter speed and ISO as well as exposure compensation. This helped us get a feel for which were the best settings for what we wanted to achieve. So there was a lot of trial and error involved. I think my skills in this area will improve slowly - I guess it is a little like going from an Automatic car to a Manual - many things are the same but it is strange getting used to new things.

Out of the various shots I took - this one I thought was worthy of using in today's Blip - I was so busy with the camera that I am afraid that I have no idea what the flower is - no doubt some knowledgeable one among you will be able to tell me.

For those that know me well, I have largely recovered from yesterdays experience although there are still a few bruises.

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