NOT laying an egg...

... But what then?

(Poo? Perish the thought that I've inadvertently blipped a creature in the act).

This is The Ladybird, who is showing signs of movement today (no pun intended).
She is (again) my emergency blip.
(Having not had the camera shoot ready when we drove past a group of fund- raising, thong-wearing (oh yes) firemen).

We have been on a long journey, returning an elderly relative to his home ground.

But hey! Bless Heston and his glorious risotto making machinery, which is stirring a risotto (all by itself) as I hastily type.
What Joy.

I shall (as predicted) be back to commenting tomorrow.

But the ladybird?
I'll have a report typed (in triplicate) and leave it on your desk tomorrow.

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