Need to unpack

I don't know wether I'm on my own in this but do people pack far too many clothes when going on case was bulging at the seams and required it to be carried up 3 flights of stairs, so I reverted to Leaving it in my boot
when I arrived at the second and third hotel I just selected clean clothes for the next day and transported them in a jute bag.......not only that I had several outfits hanging inside my car that I didn't even time .....a holdall will be the order of the day...( I've said all this before I hope I carry it put next time).......I gave robe all the washing if the clothes I wore, don't know wether to iron what us left in the case or was it all again for ' freshen up' reasons ......sorry it's such a desperate blip......Vern tired all day been up since 3.30 am

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