Rain Stopped Play

Did my open water this morning and it was much warmer than last week. My wetsuit rubbed at my neck and has made it very sore again. Hopefully it will be sorted next week...I've got to take some scissors with me and the coach will try and sort it.

Came home and started on the garden again. I have so much cutting back and cutting down to do. I really enjoy it. I'm in my own little world when I'm in the garden. Unfortunately the rain kept stopping me. I was in and out all day. But I didn't waste my time because when I came in I did the ironing...when the rain stopped I did the gardening.

Have decided to enter another event. It's called the London River Rat Race. It's a 10k aquatic obstacle race. It looks great fun. I'm trying to build a team of five. It's in aid of Shelter which is a very worthy cause. If anyone fancies it let me know.

I'm watching the Eurovision Song Contest....really don't know why!

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