
By katgirl


This flower was vying for the number one spot at a Daylily Show I stumbled upon at Baker Nursery today. One of the gardeners I met there is having an open house next weekend with over 700 lilies in bloom. I will definitely make an effort to go!

Earlier in the day I attended a Lupus symposium. I didn't learn much that was new except that some people have spontaneous periods of remission after 50 years of age. Wouldn't that be nice? Getting older would be better than winning the lottery! It isn't likely but it is nice to have a glimmer of hope for a respite.

After 7 weeks of feeling downright hellish (GI complications that have landed me in the hospital over and over and over for IV fluids), I finally feel like I am truly on the mend. This afternoon, I had enough energy to do yard work for hours. I loved every minute, except for the 5 minutes when I had to pick a dozen Prickly Pear Cactus spines out of my leg. I will have to remember not to walk backwards in the front yard any more. Afterwards, I showered and enjoyed dinner and a movie with my men. All this activity today without crashing! It is a relief to be back.

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