My Best Efforts - Year 3


Sweet and Sour!........

............I decided that cleaning/clearing my fridge was a No.1 priority this morning. These sorts of jobs have taken a bit of a back seat over the last few weeks - I feel quite guilty!!

Anyway, right at the back of the cool drawer, I discovered this poor little lemon - drying up and looking wrinkled and sad!

It had developed a dear little face with age (with the hint of a mouth which I thought of enhancing but resisted ) so it is as it is.

Before consigning it to the bin, I thought a flower might make it feel better!!!!! - crazy woman, giving a lemon a personality!!

Anyway I hope it makes you smile!!

(adding the flower also improved the look of the picture!!)

Anni and Himself arrived at their holiday destination safely - I got a text in the middle of the night - saying that they were at their Hotel and remarking that the signal was very weak!

Lots of rain overnight and early this morning - now bright and sunny but.........! Temperature is around 54/55 Deg.F and it is pretty windy.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

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