
By Wendywoo2

A wonderful sunday

After handing in my two chapters of my MA on friday that had been slated a couple of weeks ago, I decided to take some much needed time off. Again apologises for my blip absence - both commenting and adding my own photos but I have literally been holed up in my work cave working on my dissertation.

This weekend has been a little busy catching up with jobs I had put off and catching up on sleep as I haven't been sleeping properly. Today saw us visit the Wildgrounds in Gosport. A place we found last year and cost a small cost to enter to enable the grounds to be maintained. But to be honest to have some green woodland full of wildlife on my doorstep is worth every penny. After not being out with my camera for a little while its hard to get tuned in again to the world around you but after a little while I started to spot things out of the corner of my eye and hear what was going on around me. Hubby and I spotted this damsel fly hovering around and decided to rest itself on the leaf. It stayed there for ages and I was really pleased to be able to capture it.

On the way back to the car park we happened upon a small tour and the guide told us of a woodpecker mum and dad tending to their chicks in a hole in a tree further round. We popped round and sat for a while and you could hear the chicks tweeting away. I was pleased to have been able to capture the woodpecker coming backwards and forwards to tend to its chicks. I would of shared those photos but they are a little blurry. It really made my day to have witness this beauty of nature.

It was a lovely walk this morning - shame all we could hear was gunfire! I think the military was shooting nearby.

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