Diver Driver

By diverdriver

New Year's Eve

No doubt there will be many photos added today with well thought out, meaningful words attached reflecting on the year, and maybe even the decade about to pass.

No such gems from me I am afraid.

Having spent the bulk of the day outside, with the weather fresh and cold but at least dry, finally fixing the roof to the 'new' shed, I was packing up the tools when I noticed a rather stunning sunset which I thought would be a rather fitting way to end the year's blips with.

Raced inside, pinched Happyframe's camera and climbed the stile into the field to capture the colours in the sky. Within a matter of seconds, I was surrounded by a dozen or so heifers - i will resist the urge to refer to them as nosey and typically female - who wanted to be part of what I was doing.

So, who am I to refuse. As a result, the sunset was rather more spent than I would have wished for, but the photo is shared with one of the more persistent beasts.

Just prior to publishing my blip, I read an e-mail from a friend who is a youth worker in a church in Moldova. He writes that after spending a couple of days refecting on the past year, his main thoughts are how blessed he is.

If he can feel this way, having so little, and living in such poor and simple surroundings, it made me feel all the more grateful for all that I have.

And on that note.................... I have enjoyed being bullied (by my daughter) into joining all you blippers since August. Thanks for all your comments and may we all enjoy another year sharing our photos together.

Have a great New Year. Stay safe and see you in 2010.

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