This day

By snapper

For the high jump

Well its the last day of the year. Its been a tough one thats for sure; losing both parents within three months followed by a close family friend and a few other souls too made this a year that I personally would prefer to forget.
On the upside, my eldest daughter bagged herself a good holiday and a good job. No1 son finally has started to get himself sorted, youngest fledgling has a wee part time job while in last year of school, hubby still the best kindest person to have around and three daft dogs to keep us all going.
Tonight we are off to a Hogmanay party hosted by BBC Alba in the town of Oban, so there is every liklihood that we will do a twirl for the cameras! but most of all it gets us out of the house and away from everything and puts us in among people who will all be happy and thats what matters, fellow revelers all seeing their own 2009 out.

2010 will be diffirent in many respects but as some one for which the glass is always half full, I think it will brings its own challenges, laughter and tears, but at least we are all willing to grasp the nettle and take it all head on as usual
Happy New Year fellow blippers, may it be a good one.

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