
By SueScape

MonoMonday: Streetscape looking up

Visit to the Integrated Medicine Clinic in Winchster today. This is outside my main cancer treatment and is doing wonders for my immune system and morale. The doctor there is beyond pleased with my progress - clinically I couldn't be doing better at this point. Plus I have options should I need them to complement or even replace chemo. Can’t tell you how good this feels, a load off my mind. Sometimes recurring cancer hangs over me like the sword of Damocles …..

It was a gorgeous afternoon in Winchester. I’ve seen this art work before in Parchment Street. The independent Businesses in the street wanted to attract more customers, commissioning this piece by sculptor Marzia Colonna. Made by a local foundry, it spans Parchment Street at a height of about 6 metres, made of bronze, and is very joyful, fitting our mood perfectly.

This is (rather belatedly) my entry for MonoMonday: Streetscape this week hosted by Paladian

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