A space for miracles .....

A day of two halves again, sunny and bright this morning, cold and blustery this afternoon. As it takes me a while to get going at the moment, I feel I'm missing out a bit. But the garden still looked heavenly in the sunshine. Here are clouds of forget- me-nots, blue and pink bells and a tiny bit of acer peeking in there. It could easily get away from us in a couple of weeks, I'm thinking ...

I've said it before and it's worth saying again, it's important. Everyone who undergoes chemotherapy does not have the problems I am encountering. Most people get through it relatively ok, some work for the duration, run marathons, raise families. My added problem is that for 30 years I've already had a kind of chronic fatigue/ME/ or whatever controversial name you want to give it. I manage it very well and you'll know from Blip that I do loads under normal circumstances, and most people don't realise that I have it. But chemo and chronic fatigue both affect the auto immune system, so I have a double whammy. Heaven forbid that any one you know, dear Blippers, should get this terrible, vicious disease, but rest assured there's a helluva lot of help out there, more than for chronic fatigue in fact, and my dismal picture is NOT the norm.

I'll get back to commenting soon, thanks for bearing with me:-)

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