Just desserts
A morning of conference calls. All very useless.
Spent the morning and afternoon sorting stuff out for the week ahead and going over the acquire accounts I plan to target at the end of the month.
Lunch with a supplier. They sell cell culture reagents and assay kits. Some useful ones for my customers. We ate at seasons 52 at the mall. Change their menu with the seasons and everything under 425 calories. Had mahi mahi tacos - not bad. Then they roll out the dessert tray. In order to keep them under calorie allowance they come in shot glasses. I could of eaten the entire plate but went for the pecan pie. They had another one with a pipette of alcohol in (on left of pic). As I was working I declined but thought perhaps I could sell them the pipette in future. Always need to have that sales mentality!
A hot day and hot week ahead.
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