I am still feeling a little "jaded" - not sure if it's because I am missing my Guernsey friends or whether it is the aftermath of our rough journey on Sunday evening, but we still met up with our Boscombe friends at Urban Reef for a coffee this morning.

Mr. HCB isn't that keen on coffee, so always has a pot of tea, but this morning, after leaving it to "brew" for about 5 minutes, found that he just had a teapot full of water. He took it back to José, the barman who had made it, and told him, whereupon José got a teabag and was about to drop it into the teapot. Mr. HCB was not happy and said that he wanted fresh boiling water - well how can you make a good post of tea, he said, when the water has gone off the boil? José, who is Portuguese, realised his mistake, gave him a fresh pot complete with teabag and Mr. HCB was happy - although it's true to say that he prefers tea made with loose leaf tea.

When we went to pay, we teased José about it, and he took it in very good part. Perhaps they don't drink that much tea in Portugal so he didn't know - but he does now!

Here is José, smiling broadly for my blip, and he apologised profusely - don't suppose he will make that mistake again.

Every time you smile at someone,
it is an action of love, a
gift to that person,
a beautiful thing.
Mother Teresa

I know I am behind with my comments, but please forgive me - I hope to catch up soon.

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