
By Munroist4113

Emergency - two ways!

Typical! The first sunshine for ages and I had to go to town as I had a pre-holiday hair appointment. Then I walked through the park to spend time with Ella and her baby brother. She has decided she will refer to him by name now instead of calling him Cagoogoo which he's been called by her since he was born 5 months ago. We went for a walk to watch the metros go by then blew dandelion clocks.

Rushing round the garden on our return to blip a picture of some azaleas in the sun, I tripped and fell on a step with my arm catching the side of the stone edging of the path, resulting in a hospital visit. My leather jacket has a slit in it and my new top has a hole in the arm, not as big as the hole in my actual arm, which got some stitches. I'm so cross with myself, especially as I won't can swim in my friend's pool tomorrow!

Sorry no blip of the holey arm - Mr C did not advise I look. So this is a tulip I took this morning!
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