An afternoon walk

I went down to my sisters today for our usual weekly work out together but we decided it was so nice out that we went over to the Manasquan Reservoir where they have many different walking trails and did a two mile walk.
The path starts out very woodsy as I captured here in my Blip photo but it opens up in different spots to the water and it is really a pretty walk. The breeze was so strong today that it made the water in the reservoir choppy and it was actually lapping onto the path as we got to the first mile marker.
We brought my sister’s two dogs with us too. Each of us took a dog and I chose the smaller of the two dogs thinking she would be easier to walk. She nearly took ME for a walk she was pulling on her leash so hard! Thankfully, after the first mile she calmed down and walked nicely. I think she was just very excited.
Afterwards we drove through Dunkin Donuts for large cups of ice tea with lemon. Very refreshing!

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