Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


If George Clooney can advertise Nespresso, then perhaps Archie can advertise the opposition…

So funny - he’d carry it around, with his head actually in the box, bumping into everything and backing himself into a corner.

Still making Archie proofing adjustments to the fencing - bits of wood along the bottom edge where the lovely soil and bark is too tempting - he spends a lot of time and energy scrabbling there.

More visitors today and they brought a neat squeaky rubber duck. Archie refused point blank to do any tricks, after I’d been telling them how clever he was.

Uncle A also came and brought a wind up mouse, but I think Tinkerbelle next door will get to appreciate it more than Archie - too much hard plastic which wouldn’t last five minutes in those jaws.

Used the wee gate in my fence to walk out to hang the washing up today. Archie was snoozing - don’t want him seeing there’s a way out just yet. We did a bit of ‘tug of war’ training - important that he learns the rules first - ie to ‘take it’ and to ‘let go/leave’ when told. Some progress was made.

Talking of escaping - here’s a brilliant clip (thanks, E) - so glad Archie isn’t as bright as this chap!

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