The streets of Fahraj

Before we left Yazd we travelled out to Fahraj to see what is believed to be one of the oldest (if not the oldest) mosques in Iran and its style is quite different from that seen in may of the more well know and more richly styled mosques in the country. Fahraj itself was almost oppressively quiet and very hot. There were few people around in its narrow alleys and no-one seemed to stay outside for more than was essential to get from one place to another. It was a world away from the hustle and bustle of Tehran and even from nearby Yazd. For me this image seemed to capture the essence of life here.

In contrast the train journey back to Tehran was a barrel of laughs, not least because of the photo taken of myself & Mrs H by one of our our friends and notable for it being photobombed by a scowling mullah.

Step out of the shade

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