
By Haphazard

Happy New Year

Chocolate fudge cake disaster hastily replaced by a quick pavlova which went down well - none left for tomorrow. Isn't that the point of visitors - left overs! I jest. It was lovely to see them and to have found a menu from which everyone ate everything. Not that I'm feeling smug or anything.

All smugness gone when part way round our walk with the sun setting, the clouds pink against blue, dancing in the water of the lake, I realized I had left my camera in the warm.

Nephew then thrashed everyone at Scrabble - used up all seven letters three times. Greedy boy!

They're home now, 37 miles north, where it's snowing. Here we've a hard frost, it's probably too cold for snow.

Hope I'll sleep tonight as I didn't manage much last night. Thinking.

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