48 Hours

Awoke at 4am before my 5.30am alarm. Ping! Airport stress. So annoying. Brought my taxi forward in the end and just arrived there earlier and had a relaxed breakfast and saunter after checking in.

Slept a bit on the Palma flight as had packed an eye mask and earplugs (good planning) and met up with the lovely Suze in arrivals.

Straight to the hotel, boozy lunch, lots of nattering and laughing. Such a lovely day, despite both being shattered we've not stopped yapping. No sunbathing though. Not like me!

We headed into Santa Carolina tonight for some dinner and cocktails (and wine).

Getting some rest now ahead of a day of sun tomorrow. It may only be 48 hours but we intend to make the most of it.

(Lots of Facetiming with Audrey is helping too - actually felt like I was there as she ate her soup tonight as Angus's rested the phone on her high chair! Ain't technology great!)

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