
By MamaOfBoys

Im having a bad bad day

Really bro? will it be sweet as? see cos today its been one thing after the other and not major things but lots of little things all wrapped neatly in a parcel of stress.

I have had at least 1 million pages open in my head.

Lets break it down, first i discovered upon making lunches that the rest of the bread we had was mouldy and had i bought or made more? Nope.

So my kids went to school with no sandwiches and husband left with no sandwiches.

2.Andres work accounts person didn't put anyone's pay through last night, perfect, its not like we have rent to pay. They realized and put it through this morning at 10 so i raced out and bought sandwiches and delivered them to husband and kanye and marley (whose school book and drink bottle i had also forgotten) when i got to marleys school he had just been in a fight but on the receiving end luckily his teacher arrived just as he was telling me about it, a boy was hitting him repeatedly so he told him to stop it and ran away to his classroom, this worries me that mar will be bullied but i was really happy that he didn't hit back that he ran away and his friends backed him up when he told his teacher.

Also this morning kanye refused to get his jacket on and while i was trying and he was resisting i heard and felt my shoulder crunch, i already have an old shoulder injury that should and could be fixed but i don't see it happening so that's been aching , also while resisting me kanye also managed to scrape all the skin/scab off my burn so that started to weep and bleed. Kanyes bag broke on the way out to the taxi. Shall i keep going? yes? ok fine.

After delivering sandwiches i had to buy groceries and Harper cried the whole way to the supermarket. splendid. of course he hadn't had his morning cereal because i didn't have any , i was waiting for Andres pay to come through last night to do shopping but of course that didn't happen. So my baby was tired and hungry. Feeling like a failure today? Check, ive got it down, failure central over here.

While out, a web based network had been set up for ferndale parents to put questions and thoughts forward to the ministry and to speak with each other about stuff so i kept getting emails about that and that was keeping my stress levels high as they were bringing up things i hadn't even thought of yet. Stab stab stab stab in my chest.

I realized when i got home that i had forgotten to feed the guinea pigs this morning and uncover the bird, i had forgotten to get something for dinner while shopping, forgot to go pay pharmacy, send off a large parcel. Etc etc

Kanye came home and they hadn't closed his drink bottle so everything in his bag was soaked. Its ok, i have plenty of washing to do so the more the merrier? Not really, no.

So over today. And i thought all day it was Friday BUT ITS NOT!!!! This makes me furious just because it does. Stupid Thursday. Thors Day. Day of thunderclouds here alright.

So bro, im still waiting for it to be sweet as, let me know when that will happen. Ta. Till then i will NOT keep calm, im too tired and wound up for that, where are my damn mallowpuffs?

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