
By MamaOfBoys

Ranger naughty pants

That's what i'm going to call him from now on, he may be an 'official' DOC ranger for quail island but hes a bit of a naughty one (disclaimer here - not to the environment as far as that's concerned he takes being a ranger very seriously).

Today was wheelie day, so the kids all bring their bikes, scooters, skateboards etc and at lunch they get to ride around on them. Talk about road rage- Marley crashed into another little boy and a bit if plastic broke off his scooter but we (by we i mean me and the substitute teacher) only found this out after school when the teacher was handing me a sorry letter from the boy that hit mar yesterday, the boy mar crashed into burst into tears and said mar broke his scooter. OY VEY!!!!.

Mar apologized and the boy cheered up. I was talking with mar on the way home and getting a straight answer from this boy is like getting blood from a stone, numerous intelligence agencies couldn't get a straight answer from him.

I asked him if it was an accident he said no. I asked him if he wanted to crash into he little boy he said no........ right ok , so i explained both thinking maybe he didn't understand, he still repeated no to both. Moving on. He then started crying saying he didn't do it , i said 'you didn't crash into him?' he said 'no'.

I then asked 'who did?' he said 'i did' .... Heads about to explode here.... I replied 'well he little boy said you did and you broke it so what can we do to make him feel better? because he was sad that you broke his scooter' he said ' maybe i can give him my scooter?' i told him he didnt need to do that so he decided on a sorry letter, that took a long time to write but he did it, I emailed his normal teacher to fill her in so come Monday she can deal with it.

Right so this done back to my day.

I cant understand my kids sometimes. This morning they slept in until 730 !! every other day of the week they get up at 6 but today im running late because i thought i'd leave the lunch making, bag prep, clothes getting ready until this morning 'i'll have heaps of time how about i go to bed early for a change?' Murphy and his law paid me a visit and he was not nice about it.

So my kids got up grumpily i'll add and for some reason they must have visited shouty town in their dreams because until i put Kanye in the taxi and walked away from mar in class they shouted at me, Kanye didn't want to go to school neither did mar.

When we did have to leave the house mar cried, kanye fought me going out the door and when i did get him out the door mar went to get his scooter, i turned around and kanye had gone back inside and had sat on the couch, i went back in to get him and mar thought i was leaving with out him so he panicked and raced to the door without his scooter so i said i'll wait, then as i waited kanye took off down the drive. Tra la la la... who's ready for a cappuccino with as many shots as necessary say I?.... I I I I I I -ME OVER HERE (WAVES ARMS FRANTICALLY) JUST ATTACH IT TO MY ARM I'M IN A HURRY I HAVE TO GO!

So today i took a day off, i didn't do housework, i cancelled my appointment with the CCS lady and lucky i did because shes on leave until Monday so wouldn't have come anyway, the receptionist lady was shocked she hadn't contacted me about it. Can you imagine i would have waited and waited for her to turn up!!!! Its alright, its fine (rolls eyes and said sarcastically)....... So i went out with mum we looked around the shops, got some lunch and went to the cupcake collection parlour place to get some cupcakes for tomorrow.

Right so a better day than yesterday i'd say but i could have done without the shouting and it doesn't help that i had to shout at them to stop shouting....

The doc ranger thing is quite a cool idea its a way of promoting conservation and wildlife, so at different location's around new zealand you can get these and there are things to complete like look for certain plants, find historic things etc etc, So having been to quail island recently he was super duper happy about this , hes really into conservation at the moment. This morning we had an extremely serious conversation about trees, hes concerned that the deciduous trees will be cold in winter now that they don't have their leaves and he some how wanted to make them warmer by adding more leaves, i said that the sun will make them warm, he said that evergreens will always be warm because they don't lose their leaves.. I know serious problem. I didn't have the answers for his questions.

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