Double Shot Mummy


Tummy Time

Maple is just coming into her own in the water. She has such fun and we all love watching her go wild. Here she is pictured having a rare, but peaceful moment.

Oscar and Bailee's swimming coach Omm has left and we really miss him and the lessons! We are thankful for the introduction to swimming and the confidence that he has given them. He certainly was a fantastic coach. Bailee today wanted to show me her swimming and appeared to be doing breast stroke!???

Maple counts to 10 now.... the twins weren't counting to 10 just yet but they have always adored numbers and Maple has learnt from them. She likes to count leaves and seeds in particular. The bonuses of older siblings!

As for me, I enjoyed the most delicious tea with aniseed, cinnamon stick, fresh mint and lemon (And two small lemon tarts on the side) with a friend who is one of the funniest people I've ever met. I also had the pleasure of wearing a gorgeous, light, floaty dress another friend from the Palm dropped off for me. It's so comfy I think I'll wear it to bed...

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