The Red Lichtie

By kaz125


Another one of Peters birthday presents was a record player from the girls so we have spent some time this week bringing records down from the loft and plating them. there really isn't anything like watching and hearing an LP on a turntable. Forget about the pure scratchless CDs and mp3s. there is nothing as good as listening to music the way it was designed to be played with hisses and pops.

Found the sleeve of this one really funny and was a good reminder of what I probably spent most of my teenage years doing - copying friends albums and taping singles off the radio. I took this one with my phone as I found it ironic that there was this huge record with about a dozen songs on it whereas I have about 100 albums (all legit!) on my phone along with the ability to listen to just about any other song in existence just by typing it's name in. That's progress for you!

Guess the music industry has survived the LP years at least...

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