Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Good things...

...come to those who wait!

I'm not normally a big fan of the "post a picture of your dinner" blips, but some things just need to be celebrated.

I used to believe that crumpets were the work of magic in factories and not the sort of thing that you could possibly make at home. Then one day Captain Swearypants proved me wrong! You can make them at home, not quickly, but definitely easily. The bubbles come from yeast in the batter. This means you have to make the batter, put it somewhere warm, and wait... and wait... and wait!

Then you have to cook them slowly in the pan so the bases don't burn before the top is dried out, a gentle turn over, another few minutes and we're done. A smidge of butter, a dollop of homemade strawberry jam and there you have it, the most delicious of foods!

The way I see it, they're just flour, yeast, milk and water really. That makes them bread, jam sandwich for tea? Nothing wrong with that!


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