Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

First Swim of the Season

Today after our usual Saturday activities, we headed out to Harlaw to kick off the swimming season. Yes, it was three weeks earlier than last time, yes it was windy and there were waves blowing across the reservoir. Yes, we were probably crazy!

This time we came prepared, BBQs for hot food after, a hot flask of chai, some fire for warmth and big cloaks to snuggle up in and rewarm ourselves afterwards. I have learnt that the best way to approach swimming in Scottish water is to get in quickly and get moving. If you can get past the initial shock of it being cold, it soon "warms up". I won't lie, those initial two minutes were cold, but then we had a really nice swim.

The photo is of me and two of my best friends, the only other two brave enough to actually swim rather than just dunk themselves in and back out again, or stay wrapped up warm on the shore.

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