A very busy day, up early for breakfast and to drop Joshua to school.
Home - bacon Sandwich Breakfast + coffee of course
Down town, still no Navy News in stock anywhere
Quick meeting over coffee in Wetherspoons
Home - Set up the BBQ ready for this evening
Halfords in Truro for bicycle brakes for Joshua
Cornwall Batteries for a leisure battery and lights for Big Red
Coffee at Treliske Costa
Treelike for my eye appointment and to visit a friend who is in for a short stay
VW Connections to book Big Red in for a service/MOT/Leisure battery fit
Retro Dubs for some bits and pieces for Big Red
Colin Rouse to have bespoke seat cushions made for the top of the units in Big Red
Home, fitted Joshua's bike brakes and set up the BBQ only to find out we had run out of gas, (we have had the same cylinder for over six years!!), turns out all those years ago I got a Flo Gas cylinder and the only places to do exchanges are the Quarry Hill undertakers and Jewsons - Everywhere else does Calor - so off to B&Q to start a contract and purchase an industrial size cylinder!!
Home and BBQ'd but ate inside, tomorrow I'm back to eight consecutive days work (staff holiday's have started), a very productive day today.

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