Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Adult Company

What a beautiful day it was today again!

Little Miss E had a lovely time at singing and story time at the library after a mad shopping dash as my sister in law was coming to visit.

Ive decided Little Miss E is a "runner" or an "absconder" so my patience is now paying off by not giving chase and talking to her before we go anywhere about what I expect.

Munchkin 1 has been cycling to and from school for two days now and no accidents. Its working very well and he loves the ever increasing independence. He is growing up too fast. Its a trial session tonight at Scouts with the big boys, so Im waiting for hime to return him and tell us all about it.

My sister in law has come to visit to give me some adult company!....oh and a vino partner.
So she was my guinea pig for tonight, for messing about with the camera. Its not her normal look, so I think she is just being polite and saying she likes it! haha.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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