.........let's go kimosabe.......

More birthday presents!

Doctors tonight ......after you all nagged me.........

What is it?
My knee doctor
What's wrong?
I think it's a ligament or tendon problem
Did you bang it somewhere?
Is it painful?
Has it locked on you?
A couple of times, yes
Has it folded on you?
Yes, twice
What are you doing for it?
Ibuprofen and paracetamol
How many?
6 or 8 and two or four depending on how painful it is.
O.k., I'll give you some stronger painkillers and put ice on it whenever you can

Whirrr, whirr......one prescrition for 100 co-codamol 500mg

Try these for a month...if it's no better come back and we'll think about physiotherapy

That was it....three minutes...knee not looked at....or touched....she never even came from behind her desk.

The Boss has warned me about the co-codamol........they're addictive........they are likely to make me nauseous.......don't drive if I've taken them...........

Looks like I'm going to be struggling for a while yet.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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