
Up early and off to Dad's........warm day.

Got everything done that was needed............last signatures on the application for Power of Attorney..........topped up the food stocks.......moved some more of his pension money out of the P.O. and into his bank...........

Another warm...well, hot and sticky.....drive back home. Missed the Cup final.
Dinner for one. The Boss got home. Sat out in the garden as the Sun set.

About to have the last piece of our section of Charlie's birthday cake.......and a couple of co-codamol.........the Boss is taking bets on whether I'll be able to get up at 6.00 to go fishing.

Round three of the birthday celebrations tomorrow afternoon with Rob and Sue...and their new puppy Rodders....we hope.

Das vidanya moy padruga

p.s. thanks for your concern about my meeting with the doc yesterday.

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