High Flyers.

No 1 had her final vaccination for her trip to Kenya. That's 9 in total (we won't discuss the cost !). Seems the Yellow Fever one was the jaggiest.

Just need to pick up her prescription for Malaria Tablets. Although the recent trouble in Nairobi is causing some concern. The class is flying to Nairobi airport, and there is some risk of unrest and possible abduction of foreigners. The school is submitting a second risk Assessment on Tuesday and we'll have to wait and see what is advised.

They will be gutted if the trip is cancelled. Especially as they have raised approx £11,000 through loads of events to use for the trip and for the work they were planning to do at a Primary School in Chogoria.

Fingers crossed it will be resolved quickly.

Beautiful sunny day here. 20 degrees ! That's summertime for us - and two lines of washing dried for me.

No sunbathing for though, shopping, cleaning, cooking - although I managed to fit in the last episode of Breaking Bad. Thank goodness it's over - I can now get my life back !

No 3 has a school friend B who has just moved house nearby - and tonight they were allowed to play outside after dinner for a few hours - I took them to the park where they clambered over scary play equipment, which I clutched my camera and tried to keep my heart out of my mouth.

Enjoy your weekend. x

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