
By MamaOfBoys

Bright sunny day

Isn't this sunrise amazing? Of course I'm up everyday early enough to see it rise. It's fine family sleep is overrated I'll catch up when their in half high school, maybe I should start tallying up the hours. Hmmm.

This morning's sunrise was spectacular. It was more pink than what the pic shows but still just as beautiful.

We had the best family day. We cleaned up and had a coffee while the boys played, we then went to the botanic gardens to let the boys climb and explore.

We found a nice quiet grassy area with a big tree, Kanye and mar ran to the tree and started climbing. Despite the grass being damp we put harper down and he crawled around at speed, he loved the feel of the damp grass covered in leaves and it's the first chance he's had since starting to crawl to be on grass and in a huge area. When we headed off to the playground he was wet and grubby but super happy.

The boys ran around the playground while I changed harper. We decided to have lunch at the new visitors Centre. I am really impressed. The service was fantastic we had our food and coffee within 5 minutes of sitting down. The prices were reasonable and the food was great, the atmosphere was happy and relaxed, this cafe suits our needs with Kanye perfectly there was no time for him to get upset for the chips to arrive and they had cute little kids packs with a little sandwich, raisins, juice, dried apple and a biscuit. I gave them feedback about it they were pleased. I told them finding a cafe where we don't feel on edge with an intellectually disabled child is rare we felt welcome.

Where the cafe is situated there's a glass wall looking into the new hot house, there's a small discovery/info place about Christchurch flora and fauna. Mar enjoyed the felt wall, in the pic he's making me a tree and a rainbow.

We came home and had a great afternoon with Debbi who used to be Kanyes teacher support at st albans. Kanye still adores her and we keep in touch, she had been there every day with Kanye for four years. We had cupcakes from the cupcake parlour and tea. Kanye was quiet and shy the whole time, it was a great catch up. Kanye though pined a bit when she left crying at the door for debbi. We managed to distract him and he came round.

Tonight andre cooked nachos, it was delicious but we had dinner early so the boys sat and watched short circuit, the movie about the robot who's alive. They loved it! !! They laughed and watched the whole thing. Afterwards mar got me to make him a robot suit out of a box and pretended to be the robot , I was the girl(Stephanie) he said and andre was the baddie so we ran around pretending to be like the stars in the movie.

When we put Kanye to bed, mar was concerned about my burn, it's been a bit sore and angry looking, I do wonder if it's infected. Anyways mar got the first aid kit and 'helped ' me get better, I did the initial bit but he felt a bandage was in order so wrapped my hand up. We somehow got onto the topic of little boys being in hospital, i explained that there are some very sick children who have to stay in hospital all the time, he then said 'maybe i can help i can give them cars to play with' i said that was a great idea and we both agreed to sort through their toys tomorrow and take them to the hospital Monday ( when I'm there anyway with Kanye) i was really pleased and proud of him so I said he can stay up a bit longer but he decided to go to bed anyways because he was tired. This kid keeps me on my toes and surprises me when I least expect it!

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