1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Tongue Roll Practice

About three weeks ago, Sebastian discovered he could roll his tongue. Since then, it seems that practising doing this has becoming part of his daily routine. It is really really cute!

Today I took Sebastian to his favourite place, Mitre 10 Mega, to buy some gardening stuff and let Sebastian have a play at the playground. He had an absolute ball talking to the staff about what they were doing and why they were doing it. It is so nice when people engage with him, definitely boosts my faith in humanity. Sebastian asks because he is genuinely interested in everything. Even what may seem to be the most mundane task, is intriguing.

So home we went to plant our seeds and do some quick touch ups to the garden. Sebastian loved getting to pull weeds out and put stakes in the garden for the peas. He is suuuuper helpful.

My little helper is now sleeping *touch wood* I hope he stays that way for at least a few hours.

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