Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Happy 500th, HCB!

One of the journals I most enjoy is Honeycombebeach's Life is a Challenge and today she celebrates her 500th blipday! I love the adventure she had to find this gem of a blip (!!!) and it also struck a chord.

Every day for the past 45 years, I have worn a ring on my right hand which my late dad gave me ; it means I have no 'spare' finger for any other ring. However, the shank needs repair and it is currently at the jeweller, which presented the opportunity to wear this amethyst ring, by Owen Swindale of Arran. I was with my Mum when she chose it, with a hefty nudge from me! "I'll get it one day" I said, half joking, whole earnest, "so you might as well get one I like"! Ah the casual tongue of the young and immortal! But she laughed at the time.

Looking forward to your next 500, HCB!

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