Ordinary wonders
Have you ever dreamed that you can fly? In my 55 years I have dreamed I can fly on only a few occasions. What I can remember is that it takes faith and nerve.
Faith for running faster and faster and knowing you are going to pick up enough speed to jump. Then once you've taken off you have to hold your nerve while the ground recedes underneath you. It's exhilarating! And scary. I haven't had a flying dream for years - am I well and truly grounded?
I was thinking about that in Ward Park today. I went to capture some images of goslings, except there were no goslings to be found (they were hiding from me, I just know it). There were lots of ducks and loads of black-headed gulls. I sort of ignored the gulls and took some photos of ducks. Swimming. I can do that.
Then I watched the gulls swoop and soar. I can't do that! So today's blip is the extraordinarily talented black-headed gull, coming in to land.
I hope that you have a super Saturday, seeing the extraordinary in the everyday.
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